Why Acupuncture
We believe that the proper balance and smooth flow of qi (pronounced “chi”) is critical to our overall health. Although it is invisible, qi energy flows through our bodies along channels known as meridians. Blocked or stagnated qi can cause pain and other symptoms.
At Yang Institute, we use acupuncture to open the blocked energy channels, facilitate the flow of qi, and reestablish patients’ energetic balances while boosting their natural healing abilities.
Conditions We Treat
Experience Acupuncture Treatment at Yang Institute
Comprehensive Diagnosis
First, you’ll meet one of our highly trained practitioners. Yang Institute’s medical staff includes MDs, PhDs, and doctors of naturopathy, herbalists and acupuncturists. Our doctors get a complete medical history, do a tongue diagnosis and gather other information about your lifestyle.
Customized Plan
Based on the diagnoses, our experienced Chinese medicine doctors and acupuncturists will decide the points selection, treatment approaches and other methods to be included, such as herbal medicine, cupping or moxa.
Systematic Treatment
Yang Institute acupuncturists insert very thin, disposable, stainless steel needles into selected points throughout patients’ bodies. The points correspond to meridians where qi is blocked or stagnated. Sessions last 30-60 minutes depending on the complexity of conditions.
Superb Experience
Improvement is generally seen within the first few sessions. Patients who have chronic conditions may require 12 or more treatments to generate significant results.
Success Stories
Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 6:30pm
Saturday: 9:00am – 2:00pm