Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment
Chinese herbal medicine supplements the body with the energy it misses and cleanses the toxins. They are strategically formulated based on thorough Chinese medicine evaluation of one’s energy status.
Chinese herbal medicine treats both acute and chronic illness, promotes health and beauty, and help one age gracefully. Chinese herbal medicine can work independently by itself, or in combination with acupuncture.
I suffer from chronic sinusitis for years, and it often turned into a severe infection. Antibiotics always upset my stomach and made me extremely fatigued when I had to use it to control the condition. The Chinese herbal therapy that I have received in the Yang Institute had cleared my sinus entirely. ”
-Chris T
I suffered from hot flashes, severe hot flashes. I tried everything on the market that might help; anything I could get my hands on. Nothing worked until I came to the Yang Institute for treatment. After taking the particular Chinese herbal medicine, and receiving weekly acupuncture, the hot flashes started to go away. And now it’s been a year, and it’s like I don’t even have them anymore.
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine have also helped with pain caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. My bowel movements are more regular, and a mole that was on the center of my back has completely disappeared.
-Elizebeth F