Integrative Brain Health

Brain optimization is the process of healing and training the brain to improve performance, clarity, learning, memory, longevity and problem-solving. As the control center of the body’s psychological functions, the brain affects your quality of life and requires constant training to remain sharp. You may consider this treatment to address a brain disorder or improve work performance.

At the Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine, our Brain Health Program takes an integrative approach to improving and restoring cognitive function.

Our Approach to Brain Optimization

Our Integrated Brain Health Program targets the root causes of brain dysfunction to enhance your quality of life. Biochemical imbalances, stress, anxiety, trauma and other factors can affect how the brain works, leading to disorders and affecting your ability to live a fulfilling life. By first establishing your condition’s underlying causes, we can develop a targeted and personalized treatment plan to address it.

Besides examining the root causes, we use an integrative, safe and effective approach to achieve optimal results. We combine advanced technology and medical science with a functional medicine approach to treat brain disorders.

Our Brain Optimization for Peak Performance Program aims to enhance your brain power and cognitive function to achieve clarity, productivity and peace. It trains and keeps the brain young and robust, focused, flexible and sharp in planning, solving problems and achieving inner calm in the face of stressors.

This program especially helps people in professions and positions that demand high mental acuity and long hours of focus, such as executives, professional athletes, surgeons and astronauts.

Brain Conditions We Treat

View All Conditions We Treat

Therapies We Use to Optimize Brain Health

Our integrated brain health approach uses the following therapies:

Quantitative Electroencephalogram (QEEG) and Neurofeedback

To diagnose and treat brain illness, our specialists analyze the brain’s behavior and activities through QEEG, an evaluation of the brain’s electrical activity — brainwaves. QEEG brain mapping depicts how our brain impacts our thoughts, emotions, decisions and behavior and captures electrical activity. It also guides us in creating personalized diets and medications.

Based on the map’s findings, our specialists will design a neurofeedback training plan to improve the brain’s function, biochemistry and energy. Safe and time-tested, neurofeedback is a clinically proven method for treating brain disorders.


Neuromodulation is a technique that alters brain nerve activity to optimize performance. A highly trained specialist will first begin QEEG mapping to identify areas with unusual activity. Then, they’ll use a specialized electrical device to apply low-voltage impulses to stimulate the brain to rewire itself.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

TMS is a noninvasive treatment that uses magnetic fields to affect the brain’s electrical activity. A trained specialist directs the stimulation to particular regions of the brain that require optimization. They’ll determine the magnetic intensity to use to achieve better decision-making, enhanced emotional control, improved problem-solving or a different effect.

Magnetism influences how the brain works because cells and nerves use electricity to communicate. Using a magnet to target specific brain regions can stimulate this electrical activity and make a positive change.

Advanced Nutrient Therapy

Advanced nutrient therapy, an excellent example of epigenetic medicine, is a treatment Dr. William Walsh developed to correct biochemical imbalances resulting from environmental stressors and genetic predisposition. These imbalances may affect neurotransmitters’ activities and result in brain dysfunction.

Who Can Benefit From Our Integrated Brain Health Program?


Our Integrated Brain Health Program can help anyone, including children and veterans. Below are two use case examples.

Veterans With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD is a condition that a person may experience after a traumatic event like combat. Members of the military usually experience some PTSD symptoms, such as vivid flashbacks, intrusive thoughts and memories, severe anxiety and nightmares.

Our Integrative Brain Health Program can address these symptoms, improving veterans’ quality of life. We also teach coping skills and emotional awareness to help them get better.

According to the US Department of Veterans Affairs, biofeedback has had a positive effect in reducing veteran stress.

Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Due to their attention disorder, even smart kids could have poor scores at school. Although extensive research and clinical trials have been focusing on medications to treat ADHD, parents of children diagnosed with the condition are looking for natural, non-drug therapies to improve their cognitive and executive brain function.

Yang Institute’s Integrative Brain Health Program uses neurofeedback to treat ADHD and help children regain brain power and function. The therapy is safe and does not have the side effects of medications.

Children with ADHD may have problems in the following areas:

  • Peer relationships
  • Sitting still for even a short period of time
  • Following directions
  • Completing schoolwork
  • Self-discipline

Client Testimonials

My son Jim started having scary thoughts from age 9. He could not focus and got very agitated and depressed. (He was discovered to have) a biochemical imbalance and was losing vitamins and minerals that were critical for his brain to function. … (After) nutrient treatments, Jim has been free of symptoms for nearly two and a half years.

-Jennifer M

I started to follow Dr. Yang’s treatment protocol (including nutrients) religiously, and two years later, I am drug-free and symptom-free.

-Steve S

… The blend of Western and Eastern medicine makes total sense. I have noticed after my treatments (with Neurofeedback and Acupuncture) started I was able to concentrate more. I can put things together, and things are clear in my mind. My whole wellness started clicking.


It is amazing how quickly the brain can be trained to function better. Providing my brain with the nutrients that were missing made a huge difference too.


I noticed significant improvements with my grades in school, and I was feeling significantly happier.

-Chris D

Why We’re the Ideal Center for Optimal Brain Health

Consider optimizing your brain health at the Yang Institute for the following reasons:

  • Quality care: Our care providers are board-certified and passionate professionals with extensive knowledge in their specialty areas.
  • Tailored services: We personalize our treatment plans to suit your needs and situation, allowing us to provide the best care and improve your quality of life.
  • Easy accessibility: If you live in the mid-Atlantic region, you can visit the Yang Institute at any of our locations in Bryn Mawr, Philadelphia and Marlton.
  • Proven success: We have successfully enhanced the brain health of many clients and can develop a personalized treatment plan to help you, too.

Experience Reliable Brain Optimization Therapy and Training

If you want to experience reliable brain optimization, choose the Yang Institute. Our brain health practitioners have the skills, certifications, and experience to perform different therapies safely. We combine traditional practices with modern and technology-based approaches to personalize treatment based on your medical and family history, tests and lifestyle data.

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