How Acupuncture helps In Mental Health Treatment
Acupuncture is one of the most distinguished healing modalities from Traditional Chinese Medicine, with a recorded history of over 2,500 years.
Chinese medicine describes human physiology and psychology in terms of Qi, the vital energy that circulates through energy channels called meridians. Chinese medicine uniquely relates specific mental and physical functioning to corresponding meridians. Qi balance is described in terms of yin and yang, which represent opposing qualities of energy. One feels more relaxed and calmer when their qi is balanced, sufficient in amount and moving freely in the correct direction.
With the insertion of very fine needles into select points, acupuncture regulates microscopic energy flows within the body. This safe, natural and effective approach is widely used in treating pain, anxiety and many other health conditions, with minimal side effects.
Benefits of Acupuncture
- Safe
- Natural
- Drug Free
- Effective
- Minimal side effects
- Low risk of complication
Acupuncture is widely used in treating pain, stress, anxiety and many other health conditions with minimal side effects.
Why Acupuncture at Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine
The experienced physicians and providers at Yang Institute apply specific acupuncture techniques to stimulate the flow of energy and restore the natural balance between Yin and Yang circulation. To optimize the treatment results, we also integrate other services and approaches, such as psychotherapies, meditation, lifestyle coaching, nutrition and free meditation workshops.
- Yang Institute’s acupuncturists have successfully applied acupuncture in treating patients with mental and brain illnesses
- MD acupuncturists and psychiatrists work together to help patients
- Discover and address the root causes of illness
- Minimal use of medication and antidepressants
- Promote the body’s inner healing system for long term, permanent and meaningful improvement
- Decades of experience in treating mental health issues with acupuncture & Chinese medicine
- Individualized treatment plans to help patients with more complicated and refractory conditions to achieve health
- Specialists incorporate acupuncture and herbal supplements with other remedies such as psychotherapy, medication management, Advanced Nutrient Therapy, Functional Medicine, Transcranial Magnetic
- Stimulation (TMS), Neurofeeback, mindfulness meditation, life coaching
Read more about each individual practitioner here.
How Does Acupuncture Help With Mental Health
Acupuncture is a healing art based on the science of ancient Chinese medicine that describes human physiology and psychology in terms of Qi, the vital energy that circulates through energy channels called meridians. Chinese Medicine uniquely relates specific mental and physical functioning to corresponding meridians. Qi balance is described in terms of yin and yang, which represent opposing qualities of energy. One feels more relaxed and calmer, sharper and focused, when their qi is balanced, sufficient in amount and moving freely in the correct direction.
Scientific research has found that acupuncture regulates neurotransmitters and brain functions. It also regulates mood and thought processes via the complex energetic network that ancient Chinese medicine has discovered. The mechanisms of acupuncture’s impact on the energy of the human body is found to induce production of natural endorphins, facilitate blood circulation and modulate the hormonal and immune system.
Yang Institute’s Neuro-Psycho-Acupuncture Therapy (NPAT)
Based on the comprehensive evaluation of mental and neurological functions and the understanding of energetic and biochemical interaction between the body and the brain, Dr. Yang has developed this unique methodology that integrates modern science with ancient Chinese medicine to address neurological and psychiatric conditions at the energetic level.
Benefits of Neuro-Psycho-Acupuncture Therapy
Neuro-Psycho-Acupuncture is a natural, holistic, safe and breakthrough treatment to improve brain and mental health which is missing in conventional therapies
Patients often experience instant relief of pain and stress, feel more relaxed and calmer, sharper and focused even with only a few sessions of treatments
Contact Us : If you are interested in understanding how acupuncture helps with improving brain and mental health and plan to experience this safe and natural method to achieve inner calm and relaxation, please contact us at: and schedule a 15 min free consultation.