Sleep Disorder Case Studies

C.D.’s Story on TBI and Sleep Disorder

(A Story from a Veteran Deployed in Iraq) “First I would like to thank Dr. Yang and his staff as they have been very professional and also treated me like I was family. I came to Dr. Yang after the VA had diagnosed me with TBI from my deployment in Iraq. Dr. Yang came up with a treatment plan. Within the 1st week, I was able to get a full night’s rest without taking any drugs, it had been 9 yrs since I could sleep well. After a few weeks, I noticed significant improvements with my grades in school, and […]

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Christine’s Story on Sleep disorder

“Dear Future Patient of Dr.Yang: Does this sound familiar? You fall asleep easily, but wake up in the middle of the night. Your mind is racing… Thoughts begin to spin out of control. After dealing with insomnia for over 20 years, I can honestly say it’s not an issue. I feel great, I’m sleeping better than ever and I have Dr.Yang to thank for this phenomenal change in my life. I’ve tried everything! Sleeping pills worked for a number of years but I felt as if I were losing mental clarity. Dr. Yang put me in touch with myself on […]

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Jun T.’s Story

“When I first met Dr. Yang and Dr. Zhang in the middle of October 2017, I was struggling with depression that resulted from my previous three early miscarriages (at week 5/6) in six years, with unspecified reasons. Dr. Yang conducted a biochemical test and prescribed me medicine for depression, and Dr. Zhang conducted acupuncture and gave me Chinese herb medicines for mood relaxation and health, which helped a lot. Within just a few days, I do feel I have better mood, better sleep, less stress and less hair loss. I continued to drive one hour to see Dr. Zhang […]

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