Methylation Disorders

Methylation is truly a multi-tasking marvel that allows us to be “healthy and human.” Though this highly intricate process occurs within each cell as well as in the fluid supplying the brain and within the liver, it is responsible for the most vital undertakings throughout body chemistry.
Methylation, therefore, determines who we are, what we look like, and how we behave and it is central to our physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. Without methylation, we could not survive; hence, it is the perfect pathway to focus on for understanding autoimmune, metabolic, neurological and psychiatric diseases such as multiple sclerosis, seizure disorders, dementia, Lou Gehrig’s, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and autism spectrum disorders.
Studies on the epigenetics of methylation disorders discover that the clinical signs and symptoms of overmethylation are different from those of under-methylation.
Many individuals diagnosed with mental illnesses suffer from severe under-methylation that is associated with low serotonin activity.
They tend to have the following signs, symptoms and personality traits:
- Obsessive/compulsive tendencies Perfectionism
- Self-motivated during school years Family history of high accomplishment Very strong-willed
- History of competitiveness in sports Calm demeanor, but high inner tension Poor concentration
- Social isolation Addictiveness Ritualistic behaviors Phobias
- Delusions (thought disorder) Slenderness
- Seasonal inhalant allergies
- Low tolerance for pain
- High fluidity (tears, saliva, etc.) Frequent headaches
- Good response to antihistamine Good response to SSRIs
- Very high libido
They have a genetic tendency to be very depressed in calcium, magnesium, methionine, and Vitamin B-6 and may have excessive levels of folic acid in nuclei of brain cells. Under-methylated persons benefit from biomedical therapy to directly correct the underlying problem using methionine, calcium, and magnesium, amongst others.
Most over-methylated persons in the general population tend to be creative or sensitive types. These individuals may be attracted to professions or hobbies in music and the arts, architecture, education, writing, social services or causes, and philosophy. Often, they are “underachievers” and may experience learning issues.
The following are common signs, symptoms and personal traits of people with over-methylation.
- Low motivation during school years Artistic or musical ability
- High anxiety or panic tendency Hyperactivity
- The postpartum onset of psychosis Nervous legs, pacing
- Self-mutilation
- The Belief that everyone thinks ill of them
- Paranoia or diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia Depression
- Sleep disorder
- Obsessions without compulsions Low libido
- The tendency to be overweight Adverse reaction to SSRIs Dry eyes and mouth
- High pain threshold
- Upper body/neck/head pain Heavy body hair Food/chemical sensitivities Copper overload
- History of eczema
- Absence of seasonal allergies
Individuals with over-methylation may have elevated levels of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine and low blood histamine. They may experience high internal tension and anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, food, and chemical sensitivities, and have a tendency to overreact to life experiences. In clinical studies, about 45% of persons diagnosed with schizophrenia were found to be severely over-methylated.
Over-methylated persons benefit from biomedical therapy to reduce methyl using folic acid, Vitamin B-12, niacinamide, DMAE, choline, manganese, zinc, amongst others.